About Me



“Who am I? ” , the quintessential philosophical question which all great people of humankind have tried to answer.  I’ll give it a try too 🙂

I am a computer-science engineer by profession.  A book-lover and foodie by nature. A Saggi by birth, living in India. A traveler-traveler when I can and an armchair traveler on the other days. From a person who couldn’t cook to save her life I have recently transformed to an experimental cook.

This is my personal space. I also started a C++(tech) blog too recently. Like most others, I use my blog to review books, movies and to rant and rave. Basically, to un-clutter my mind and go back with a clear mind to work.  In short it is just an excuse to write.

Everyone of your ‘likes’ are appreciated. What I’d love even better is to hear from you. Your comments both good and bad, are welcome(Unless you are a spam bot).  You can even rate my posts and my readers comments.

If you liked reading this, please also check out my book-reviews on flipitall and my articles on start-ups on startcup

Happy Reading!

60 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Heyy sapna.. Seems we blog similar topics more than often..:D
    Chk out my blog binit1.wordpress.com Maybe u ll like it. Do I need to say that ur blog is cool!

  2. well….the about me part is good n all…but how abt. a little correction abt. India’s largest company n all…. u knw wat i m talkin abt… 🙂

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog; I appreciate it! Please keep in touch. I’ve followed your blog and am looking forward to learning more about India — one place I have not been yet but would love to visit — from A to Z!

    • Thanks SRS 🙂

      Glad to have found a fellow book worm and culinary enthusiast. I am following cosmoiyenger. Waiting to see some yummy recipes.

      btw do you stay in Chennai?

    • Thanks Marcy. 😀

      The title of this song is Chiquitita. It is a ABBA song. You can click on the song and go to soundcloud from there. You can find more songs there.

      You have a lovely blog too. I loved your header photo and the tagline “TAKING CARE OF YOUR MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY: YOUR HEALTH.” 🙂

      • Ah, ABBA! I knew it sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it. Thank you. I will click the soundcloud. Did you like my header tagline? You are the first to comment on it. I do get comments on the header photo from time to time. And your health IS your most precious commodity! ; – )

      • I recognize the latest song (or at least the one I heard just now. It’s the coffee song! I haven’t heard that in years! Now I want some coffee! lol!

      • Yeah its a old one – the popcorn song. So glad you noticed that I have changed the song 😀 I just thought I’ll play around a little bit with my site’s look and feel.

    • Thanks for the compliment 🙂

      Thanks for visiting the blog. You have a very cool blog too. Will keep coming back to your site esp. for the eating out the Mumbai part.

      • Apologies for double posting comments, something wrong with my WordPress App on Android and I re-entered the comments assuming the earlier one did not make it. Thanks a lot for liking the photos.

  4. Nice crisp and cute description of yourself! Liked the “who am i” opening statement the best!! Hope to see more interesting informstion on your blog. Thanks for taking time and liking my blog.

  5. Hi Sapna, stumbled upon your blog, and found it really newsy juicy if I may so :).. your reviews are really good, you may want to review Jhumpa Lahiri’s latest _Lowland, its just out and I have started it.. if its in the race for the Man Booker prize, it sure must be good … Meanwhile keep posting stuff, love reading the same!! 🙂

  6. Hi Sapna, nice to meet you, and to explore your blog and learn a little about you. I know it’s been ages (we’ve been without internet for a while) but thank you for the ‘like’ on the post about Bolivia. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Namaste, Alison

  7. Hey Sapna, check right side in my about page under “my kitchen reference” I have listed your page…… hope being your sincere follower and to my fav cooking blogger I gifted something little by doing this and hope you like it… I loved the way you do!!!

    Asmithaaa…Never have an end!!!

    • Thanks so much Asmithaaa!! I am honored that you think my blog is worth going on that list. This is one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received 🙂

      P.S: I will also checkout the others on your list. They look great. Thanks for introducing me to those blogs.

  8. Hey Sapna,

    We’re soon nearing the end of this year and stepping onto 2015. A lot happened across the blogosphere this year; I was amused to catch up on so many new events when I opened my Reader after a long hibernation. The beginning of this year and the last saw a bunch of us bloggers participating in a month long marathon. It was fun, crazy, exciting, hectic and absolutely insane. I thought we must continue with the tradition in the upcoming year as well. Would you like to join the madness this time too? Please drop me an email if you are interested at kamathseema1@gmail.com


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